by Natalie Lancer | Apr 8, 2011 | Coaching in Education, Study advice
The last few months have seen many changes to the funding and finances of higher education. The changes will take effect from September 2012 so will affect current Year 12s going into Year 13 this September. The media have succeeded in scaremongering, making many...
by Natalie Lancer | Oct 29, 2010 | Coaching in Education, University advice
You’ve just started sixth form and are settling in well. Some of you may be taking your first AS examinations in January, others in June. How can you prepare yourself most effectively for the next step – your university application? First of all, you need to take...
by Natalie Lancer | Sep 16, 2010 | Coaching in Education, University advice
As you approach the end of year 12, perhaps you have become blasé about being in the sixth form. The wonder of the common room is a thing of the past and you are a veteran at driving to school to arrive seconds before the start of your lesson. But you begin to feel...
by Natalie Lancer | Sep 16, 2010 | Coaching in Education, University advice
Picture this. The university admissions tutor for your chosen subject has just read 100 Personal Statements, which say things such as “it has always been my dream to study Molecular Biology since I was born” and that “I am desperate to attend your university as it is...
by Natalie Lancer | Sep 10, 2010 | Coaching in Education, University advice
IF YOU ARE in the sixth form, you will probably be battling with your university application at the moment. What uni would suit you? Could you get into Oxbridge? What subject is best and what work experience or holiday reading might impress your interviewers? And most...