PhD, MA (Oxon), PGCE, MA (Lond), Dip Psych (Open), CPsychol
Dr Natalie Lancer is a Chartered Coaching Psychologist, Coach, Coach Supervisor, Academic, Writer and Speaker. She is the Chair of Senate of the British Psychological Society and past Chair of the British Psychological Society’s Division of Coaching Psychology, the host of their podcast and a Trustee of the BPS. She has published a number of peer-reviewed papers, including articles on the Eight Tensions Framework – the core of her Guts and Goals, Action and Traction and Smart Supervision Programmes. Natalie also co-authored an Amazon bestseller – Lancer, N., Clutterbuck, D. and Megginson, D. (2016). Techniques for Coaching and Mentoring (2nd edn). Oxford: Routledge.
She is accredited by the Association for Coaching. As a Chartered Coaching Psychologist, she helps people become a more motivated, disciplined and energised version of themselves so they can achieve the goals and aspirations they have had for many years, but couldn’t achieve before. She does this by combining the teaching of timeless existential philosophical truths about how to pursue our life projects and fast-paced, practical coaching to ensure you build new, motivating routines and structures and achieve your goals. Expect accountability, humour and extraordinary psychological growth.
As well as working as a Coaching Psychologist, Natalie has a number of voluntary positions and cares for her three young daughters. She fully understands the need for work-life balance and shares practical strategies on how to juggle pushing forward on our goals with family commitments.

As a British Psychological Society Registered Applied Psychology Practice Supervisor, she supervises coaches and coaching psychologists, helping them reflect on and improve their practice.
Natalie is a Master’s and PhD supervisor at the New School of Psychotherapy and Counselling, London. She was a Senior Lecturer working on the University of East London’s MSc in Applied Positive Psychology and Coaching Psychology (MAPPCP). She is a peer Reviewer for three academic journals: International Coaching Psychology Review, The Coaching Psychologist and European Journal for Qualitative Research in Psychotherapy.

Natalie started her professional career as an investment banker and then moved into the education sector. She became an Assistant Headteacher at an ethnically diverse comprehensive school in London, where she realised the desperate need for mentoring and guidance for school students in addition to their formal academic curriculum.
Her advisory skills were honed during her 11 years as a teacher and Director of Higher Education, giving career advice to students, and through mentoring other teachers. She designed and delivered many career enhancing programmes in schools and universities. She developed an Institute of Leadership and Management (ILM) accredited Leadership Programme for Middle Managers at Immanuel College, Hertfordshire and a ‘mini-MBA’ for students (also accredited by the ILM). She also set up a coaching programme for students at UCL.
Natalie researches the personal growth of university students who have professional coaching. Her doctoral research was on personal growth and the impact of coaching on university students’ values, sense of self, key relationships, academic performance and life plans for her PhD in Psychology at Birkbeck, University of London. Natalie is a graduate of the University of Oxford, Middlesex University, King’s College London, The Open University and Birkbeck, University of London.
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