Life and career coach, Natalie Lancer, explains how further learning or training may be the key to landing the job of your dreams.

Gaining further qualifications may be necessary to progress to higher positions in your workplace, and employees may find they hit a ceiling without them. However, there are other reasons to study further.

Firstly, you may get formal accreditations for skills you have already picked up in the workplace. This recognition of your skills could be crucial for when you are applying for other jobs or going for promotion, as qualifications are a standardised way of representing the information that you know. Secondly, undertaking a qualification can breathe new life into your job. Frameworks within a course may make you consider new ways of working. Thirdly, you may start to see your job from different perspectives, perhaps the viewpoints of your customers, helping you to empathise with others and get new business as a result. You may also broaden your existing network of contacts.

Many adults change careers at some point during their working life and a new qualification may facilitate, or even be necessary, to do this. There are many courses, such as Psychology or Law, that are suitable for Distance Learning, where you can study from the comfort of your own home, whilst remaining in paid employment.

Your previous experience is always valuable, for example, a business person will be in strong position to train as an Occupational Psychologist as they understand the issues businesses face. They could study for a Psychology degree via Distance Learning without quitting their job, and look into training at a specialist company following this. Of course, many people study out of pure interest and enjoyment.

There are many good reasons to continue learning. Now, due to the proliferation and success of Distance Learning, it is easier than ever to study courses at any level, including Certificate, Diploma or Master’s. The world is your oyster.

Natalie Lancer set up to help individuals find courses to study by Distance Learning. She did a Distance Learning course in Psychology, whilst in full-time employment. “I found it difficult to know where to start. There was no website where all the on-line courses were listed and I realised that creating one would provide a valuable resource for all types of people interested in upskilling, whether that be employees, mums, carers or career changers”. Natalie can discuss your course and career options in one-to-one coaching sessions. She can also give you expert guidance CVs and interview technique.

For more information, contact Natalie Lancer at [email protected]